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1) Looking for chucking reamers? Part number is the 4-digit size, so 1/2 is 5000, #7 is 2010, 6mm is 2362, F is 2570, .5010 is 5010 and so forth. And we have over 1300 decimal reamers in stock including over and under metric sizes from 1MM to 20MM, a T&S Exclusive!
2) We have developed a REFINED Drill and Chucking Reamer search in our PART NUMBER Search. Enter 1/2 DRILL, F DRILL, 1MM DRILL, #8 DRILL, 3/8 REAMER, B REAMER, 1.5MM REAMER, #2 REAMER ect., to see all of those individual items available!
3) Looking for 1" or 2" items? Computers do not like 1's and 2's, they are in too many combinations! So KEYWORD SEARCH for ONE INCH DRILL, ONE INCH COLLET, TWO INCH DRILL and TWO INCH REAMER, ect.
4) Part Number Search will also include competitor part numbers, manufacturer part numbers or customer part numbers if set up!
5) On KEYWORD SEARCHES remember KISS! Keep It Short & Simple! TNMG INSERT, 1/2-13 TAP, 1/4 ENDMILL, 3/8 SOCKET, 3/4 REAMER and so forth!
6) And use the PRODUCT LISTING down the left hand side of the website. Find the category you require, and just keep clicking until you find your desired item!
Thanks for shopping with T&S!